If We Put all Our Differences Aside and Work as a Global Community, we can Save This Beautiful Blue Planet for Forever

Essay by Luke Foster

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Over the last few days, I made a sculpture prop to go in a beach performance this afternoon and this Martin Luther King quote was in the back of my mind when I was making it. It’s sort of a simple plaster staircase with, a doorway in one side. I thought of this quote as I think as a local and global community the first four steps in our future are apparent but after that we need to have commitment and faith in a local and global community to save this planet for forever.

The sculpture shall sit on four Kmart pillows in white pillow cases and sit in a black Temu cart. I shall also be wearing white converse high tops, blue Levis jeans, a white Kmart t-shirt a transparent swatch watch, and white bandana and Buddha beads and brown felt Billabong hat. As I pull the cart on the beach I shall be drinking a sugarless Red Bull drink. I usually have Red Bull drinks once or twice a week when I need energy.

“As people alive today, we must consider future generations: a clean environment is a human right like any other. It is, therefore, part of our responsibility toward others to ensure that the world we pass on is as healthy, if not healthier than we found it.”

The pious Dalai Lama

I love this quote by the Dalai Lama and I feel that this idea of saving the environment for future generations is the key for not just the short-term fate of the planet and all humanity as well but so we as a global community can put differences aside to save this beautiful blue planet for forever. I think it shall take decades to figure out realistically and it shall be the most difficult and most expensive project facing humanity and the environment as we humans are the custodians of the earth.

“Be eager in your desires but humbly patient in their accomplishment.”

Mary MacKillop

As I always write in my essays I try to have equal number of male and female role models and Australia’s late pious female saint Mary MacKillop is spot on with this quote on how to achieve personal and big picture goals.

“Obviously, my Indigenous culture is very special to me. “

Jessica Mauboy

I’m a big fan of Australian indigenous singer Jessica Mauboy and I feel that not only in Australia but in the international community if we have strong women role models then there shall be more of a balance of male and female energy and the future of the planet shall be more secure.

In conclusion I feel that we can save this beautiful blue planet for forever if we put our differences aside in the local and global community. I realised I made the mistake in this essay of putting the male role models first in the essay and next essay I write the women should go first.

Martin Luther King

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Australian Saint Mary Mackillop

Jessica Mauboy