Thanks to Yannick Soyez for Shooting this Video
I felt a bit sad when I viewed this video as my stomach is bulging so I need to keep up my two hours beach walking and watch my diet. I have been trying to become a better person by doing at least ten meditative drawings a day and studying the Dalai Lamas talks, essays and books for one hour each day.
“To be kind, honest and have positive thoughts; to forgive those who harm us and treat everyone as a friend; to help those who are suffering and never to consider ourselves superior to anyone else: even if this advice seems rather simplistic, make the effort of seeing whether by following it you can find greater happiness.”
Dalai Lama
The reason I wrote this essay is to couch my art in an art historical context. However, I changed my mind about the end of installation art and actually still enjoy making art installations and lots of drawings.
Also, after flicking through my book of essays, I realise I’ve grown up quite a bit and don’t feel proud of a lot of my essays.