From my Ten Drawings a Day Project Recent Drawings
Recently I stopped drawing myself continually and trying to have an equal number of women and men in my drawings.
After I stopped drawing my-self I realised that I need to draw women as much as men and I did that sometimes in these drawings particularly women in the armed forces in Australia.
A very influential woman for me is Mary MacKillop the Australian saint.
‘Never see a need without trying to do something about it. ‘
Mary MacKillop
I love this quote by her and sometimes when I see a need I feel discouraged and over whelmed but when I study the teachings of my mentors pass and present then I feel happier and safer.
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”
Dalai Lama
I think being compassionate is the most, healthy selfish emotion as it makes you happy more than anyone around you.
These are some of my recent drawings from my ten drawings a day project but only the ones that are small enough to be scanned on my Cannon scanner onto my desktop apple computer. Most of the drawings are on the back of cut up brown paper Woolworths bags.
They were made during a transition between an old and new drawing style. Mum said to me stop drawing yourself and use colour. I started using colour a while back but just in the last week stopped drawing myself.
I draw with colour Sharpie pens and Mont Marte colour pencils.
The title joke comes from my Aussie protectors / friends.