Essay by Luke Foster
“Laugh as much as possible, always laugh. It’s the sweetest thing one can do for oneself & one’s fellow human beings.”
Maya Angelou
I’ve been thinking today that having a sense of humour is the best way to stay steadfast in any situation good or bad so one is not jolted by too much uppity ego or anxious or depressed by any downer problem.
I think my favourite comedians are Ellen DeGeneres and John Cleese. The Ellen show is hilarious and so is Faulty Towers with John Cleese and Monty Python that cracked me up most when I was growing up. I think its teenagers the most who love humour as it is slightly naughty and it makes fun of authority figures in a gentle way.
Faulty Towers video with John Cleese.
Monty Python is amazing too and my favourite was the Life of Brian.
Ellen is also so kind and funny and I always wonder how much of her humour is scripted and how much is spontaneous.
Anyway, this is a very brief essay as I had a busy day today and had a great morning with my support worker Yannick from Berlin cracking each other up all morning.