This Essay is About me and Kiera Knightly Making a Balance of Men and Women Power in the World for a Peaceful Prosperous World for Everyone

Essay by Luke Foster

“I see the world through my eyes. It’s sometimes a strange world.”

Keira Knightley

Kiera Knightly a beautiful soul and mother

Last night I did some platonic drawings for Kiera about how men and women should have more of a balance of power in the world so there is more of a balance of female and male energy so the world will eventually become peaceful and prosperous for everyone not just the male rich elite. I shall put them in the post for her and her kids tomorrow.

I love the movie Bend it like Beckham and I think it was the big break for Kiera in the entertainment industry and it had an important message about equality for men and women in soccer in the world. Equality for women in sport has a trickle-down effect for the advancement of women in all fields.

“I’m pro everyday equality, everyday celebration and everyday respect. I feel fortunate that we are not back in the days when men were seen as more powerful.”

Elle Macpherson

I love this Elle Macpherson quote an Australian actor/super model as it shows how there has been a shift in the perception of women for the better.

Elle Macpherson one of Australia’s most loved people

“That’s what twenty-first century feminism is about: the idea that when, everybody is equal we are all more, free.”

Barack Obama, former US President

I love this quote by Barack and it shows that men can be feminists too and help with the plight of making peace and prosperity in the world for everyone.

“Freedom is fragile and must be protected. To sacrifice it, even as a temporary measure, is to betray it.”

Germaine Greer

This is a quote by the most important feminist writer Germaine Greer who wrote the book The Female Eunuch. I haven’t read it but its on my bucket list.

In conclusion once we have a balance of men and women in the world in all fields then the who world shall be at peace and prosperous.

To many selfies lol